While the installation of the equipment is certainly an important part of the process, Clever Dweller will implement a step-by-step approach to ensure that correct products for the project will fulfill the needs of the customer. A Home Automation Expert "HAE" will take time to explain the benefits of the products chosen, the functionality of the products and go over any troubleshooting areas they might need to be made aware of. The customer will know what to expect from beginning to end!

 Step-by-Step Service

  1. Information Gathering: At the initial inquiry, a Home Automation Expert "HAE" will ask a series of questions to find out more about the customer’s lifestyle, needs, expectations, etc. A list of such questions is located here.
  2. Introduction to Smart Home Technology: When we’ve gathered enough information and fully understand the customer needs we will be able to have a broad discussion about how smart home products would help them. We will share videos and online content of the home automation products we recommend making it easier to envision a system in their home.
  3. Home Visit - Game Plan: After a thorough discussion, the HAE should have a pretty good idea of the type of system and products he/she would recommend for the home; however, it’s only after a visit to the home that the HAE will be certain of the best course of action. During this visit the HAE will inspect the home and will go over installation procedures, the timeline of the project, and a line-by-line analysis of the pricing for parts and services. Upon agreement by the customer to proceed a contract will be signed to begin installation.
  4. Equipment Installation:  After the agreed upon system has been chosen  the HAE will install all necessary automation components and configure it to supporting smart devices to run and manage the smart home system.
  5. Training: If the design of the automation system is solid, learning to use it should be a cinch. Still, your HAE will likely walk you through the process of using your phone, touch screen or some other device to control the different parts of your home. Not only will this help familiarize you with the system, but will also give you a chance to voice any concerns or ask questions.
  6. Follow-Up: After installation the customer will likely have questions about its uses and may discover uses they would prefer changed. This is fairly typical, and the Clever Dweller HAE would be happy to provide routine maintenance of the system including minor modifications and additions for an agreed upon 60 day grace period. Additional follow-up after the 60 days will result in a service fee, however and an option for 1 year service agreement would be available for those that wish to pursue.